Monday, November 24, 2008

Lack of pictures

Thanks Heather and Debbi for coming thru again and saving my computer illiterate self. Here are the pics of the strollers I'm debating on. I am going to drive everyone crazy asking their opinion, but I simply cannot make decisions for the life of me. Anyway, I like the blue and brown, but think the colors are kindof boyish, although the pattern looks girly. The green one is cheaper and I like it because it's not too girly, but I'm afraid that the light green will become dirty very easily and very soon. Anyway, that's my dilema today. If anyone knows anything about these particular strollers, I'm open to suggestions :)
I'm sure I'll be taking more suggestions on a new item tomorrow:)
So, it might be a while before I can post any pictures from my camera. I went to take a picture last night and when I turned the camera on, everything was upside down. Anyone know how to fix that? It's a canon and it's been a really good camera, I just don't know how to do anything but point and shoot. I've definitely got to figure something out because I CAN NOT be cameraless sp? throughout the holidays!!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Still figuring out this blog.

How do I paste pictures directly into my post from a website (example. i wanted to post pictures of the 2 strollers I am considering and I can't figure it out!) I get so frustrated with this blogger sometimes! I also wanted to steal your (Debbie's) baby badge thing, and couldn't figure out how to do that either. Maybe I just have pregnancy stupidity and grumpiness. I've noticed I've been rather hormonal here lately :)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Taking Suggestions

So, we are having a girl. And me being the stubborn person that I am refused to pick out girl names. So I have a list of male names that I was going to name our handsome little boy, and have no idea what to name our little girl. Well, I have a few ideas, but Matt hates every one of them (as I do his suggestions). So, we are open to suggestions. The fight goes on over:
My favorite:

Matt's favorite:
Anna Belle

His family also is HIGHLY recomending....Krislyn. I'm still not sure how I feel on this one. Still trying to see if it's too out there even for me. I want something that is different, but I don't want to name her "Shaniqua" either. I also don't want to scar her for life. Thank God my daddy stepped in and named me, otherwise everyone would know me as Shawni-short for Lanetta DeShawn. (and my mom swears she never did drugs).

Anyway, just pondering ideas.