Monday, October 8, 2007

Sin City here I come!!

It's off to Vegas for a week of...I'm not really sure what's in store for this week! I'm going with mom, so I'm sure I won't be doing the typical things Matt and I or any of my other friends would do. So, I guess I will have to keep everyone guessing until next week when I get back with pics and details :) Have a good week! I'm going to miss my absence from cyberworld :(


The Perry Family said...

i wish i could go too! i told your mom some cool things to do so maybe she will remember what i said! haha tell her i can't wait until she is back b/c eastside is driving me crazy! they have called me 4 times in the last two days!

Debbi said...

HAVE FUN! we have some really good friends that live there and love it - but I guess they never really go down to the strip or anything, when you live there I guess you don't have to?!? I hope you have fun and take lots of pictures!

The Perry Family said...

hello!! it is time for you to get back on here and tell us about your trip now! haha