Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Taking Suggestions

So, we are having a girl. And me being the stubborn person that I am refused to pick out girl names. So I have a list of male names that I was going to name our handsome little boy, and have no idea what to name our little girl. Well, I have a few ideas, but Matt hates every one of them (as I do his suggestions). So, we are open to suggestions. The fight goes on over:
My favorite:

Matt's favorite:
Anna Belle

His family also is HIGHLY recomending....Krislyn. I'm still not sure how I feel on this one. Still trying to see if it's too out there even for me. I want something that is different, but I don't want to name her "Shaniqua" either. I also don't want to scar her for life. Thank God my daddy stepped in and named me, otherwise everyone would know me as Shawni-short for Lanetta DeShawn. (and my mom swears she never did drugs).

Anyway, just pondering ideas.


Debbi said...

Avery is one of our top choices, so I really want to tell you not to pick it ;) haha. The other name that I love is Lily, but Wade doesn't like it - what do you think?

How far along are you? I can't remember

The Perry Family said...

first off..i thought avery was what debbi was thinking about. haha anyway, i really like that name. i like presley, i know yours was priestly..but it is close. sorry matt, but anna belle sounds like a cow's name! do not name her after a cow! krislyn is different..krislyn sloan would be pretty...or avery sloan and calling her sloan would be really pretty. i just love the name sloan for a girl or boy for that matter. i have you a pkg here that i HAVE got to get sent to you. are you coming home for christmas? start blogging more so we can watch your process of pregnancy! :) want pictures! love you! :)

RADstitches said...

I have an Avery and a Dalton.. both girls! I did not let the inlaws/outlaws particiapte on the name thing for a reason! Good luck with that! They NEVER like what you like and vice versa... if they want to name something.. buy them a fish! LOL OH, and I LOVE double names too by the way but did not end up with one!