Sunday, December 30, 2007

Guess Who's Back...Kristy's Back

I'm back amoungst the bloggers. I've decided to come to terms with the fact that my life will always be overwhelming and I will never have enough time to cross off all the things on my To-Do list. That does not mean, however, that the meltdowns will disappear (as I discovered earlier today). Although he would never admit it, Matt was ready to ship me back to AR.

Neway, we are back home and the chaos of the holidays have settled somewhat and order is slowly being restored in our tiny apartment that overflows with gifts of the Christmas season. Next on the list--buy a house that is big enough for all of our clutter!!! Also on the To-Do list, finalize our wedding plans. Matt has decided that Aug or Sept is too long for us to remain engaged. So, hopefully by May, we will officially be Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Hurd :) I think that is all the news for now, maybe it won't be such a long intermission before the next update.

Saturday, October 27, 2007


Okay, let's see if this works....

It took 30 mins to download this one, so I don't think the water show is going to make it.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Vegas pics

Here are the long awaited Vegas pics. Sorry, there's not very many...I wasn't my usual photographic self this trip. Hope you guys enjoy :)
I have a video of the hula dancers and the Bellagio water show, but I can't figure out how to load them...maybe later.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Home Again

Okay, I've returned from Sin City and barely recovered from Jeff Gordon's upsetting win in North Carolina--(I'm having doubts about being a Dale Jr. fan). No pics yet, but soon, I promise. Vegas was wonderful! I managed to find things to do besides gamble. I lost $30.00 and cursed myself for wasting my hard earned money so quickly. Penny was the only lucky won coming ahead $1,500.00 I absolutely LOVED the New York, New York Hotel/Casino. That is where Matt and I will be rooming when we go back. A good time was had by all and I got to see mom. Thanks, mom for behaving :) Time to get back to normal life of work, work, work.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Sin City here I come!!

It's off to Vegas for a week of...I'm not really sure what's in store for this week! I'm going with mom, so I'm sure I won't be doing the typical things Matt and I or any of my other friends would do. So, I guess I will have to keep everyone guessing until next week when I get back with pics and details :) Have a good week! I'm going to miss my absence from cyberworld :(

Friday, October 5, 2007

Blackwater Falls Pics

This is only a few of the 100 pics I took last weekend. It really is beautiful here, especially in the fall. The weather is still a little hot for this time of year, but the nights are starting to get cooler. Hope everyone has a good weekend :)

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


So, I kinda took a sabbatical from cyberworld. I've been busy with work, then we went away for the weekend...but we are home safe and sound now, and I will be posting some of the many pics I took at Blackwater Falls this weekend. Matt's family rented a cabin in the woods and it was absolutely beautiful there!! The changing of the seasons is so cool to witness here (I'm not used to the 4 seasons being from Arkansas!) Anyway, Matt is slowly turning me into a scenery girl, so I took a ton of pics of the leaves changing and the mountains this weekend.

I'm starting to get that overwhelmed to-do list is steadily growing and nothing is getting marked off! I fear a meltdown is a coming :)

Thursday, September 20, 2007

TGIF (for me anyway)

Sorry, I haven't posted about my job. I LOVE IT and the best part is that Thursdays are technically Fridays...YIPPEE!! This means that we don't see patients on Fridays and I only work from 8:00 to 11:00 am, so it's pretty much like not working :) It's very busy and I constantly feel overwhelmed and like I'm forgetting to do something important, but that's much better than sitting there twiddling my thumbs. It's good to be back in the "corporate world". I miss my kids at the daycare, but I'm much more suited for office work.

Addendum to Bubba post:

I just found out that November 3 is family day where he is in basic training and Matt and I are going to be able to make it :) We are going to drive the 9 hour trip to Georgia on Friday and come back on Sunday. As an added bonus, I also get to see my wacky parents who are acting like lunatics...yay!!

Missing Bubba

I was looking through pics the other day and found one of me feeding bubba when he was little. I think I cried for hours after that. I can't imagine what my mom is going through. He's just my brother and it's hitting me hard-imagine your child! I keep wanting to call to hear his voice and I can't (then I get mad when I realize he uses all his calls for Julie!) Hello, Wesley, we were here before her :) I know he will be home @ Christmas and everyone thinks I'm overreacting, it's just going to take a while to adjust that's all. Wesley has never been a rational thinker, so him joining the ARMY is so something he would do. We are total opposites-I have to think about things for months, he thinks about them for seconds (if that). Neway, all this to say I miss my Bubba.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

I am so excited about my new headboard that I made all by myself!! (with the help of Matt's handyman skills of course). I just took an old door, cut it off a little, and placed 2 columns on each side-pretty simple, but time consuming. I am a firm believer that every bed needs a headboard and Matt's anti-headboard bed just had to hola new style!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Thanks Debbi for all the awesome books!! In my package came a Real Simple Cookbook that Matt and I both will enjoy, The Pilot's Wife, a book about Happy People which sounds interesting, Sense and Sensibility, a scrapbooking magazine which has gotten my scrapping mind racing! and The Organized Life book that I am super excited about!! I have enough cool stuff to keep me busy for a while :) Book swaps are awesome-good idea guys. Can't wait until the next one!! Happy reading to all who participated :)

Monday, September 10, 2007

I am now officially a legal resident of West Virginia..sniff sniff. I postponed the traumatic experience for as long as I could, but I decided that driving around for the past few months with out-of-state expired tags, might just cause me a ticket that I couldn't afford. So here is my pitiful little car with it's out of place license plate staring back at me. Now it's time to go find that hog sticker to plaster to the center :)

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Hello world!! Haven't really decided that I'm ready for the world to know my real thoughts, so I will just start out small. Still working out the kinks, so Heather and Debbi, prepare to hear from me soon :) Tomorrow is the first day at my new job, so I'm trying to avoid thinking about it to keep from getting nervous. I can't avoid all the housework that's waiting for me any longer though. Feel free to leave me feedback!!