Monday, September 10, 2007

I am now officially a legal resident of West Virginia..sniff sniff. I postponed the traumatic experience for as long as I could, but I decided that driving around for the past few months with out-of-state expired tags, might just cause me a ticket that I couldn't afford. So here is my pitiful little car with it's out of place license plate staring back at me. Now it's time to go find that hog sticker to plaster to the center :)


Debbi said...

HAHA! Keep the plates at least. I swore Wade (my husband) was going to cry when he had to take his Utah plates off his truck when we moved here. I feel like I've had so many different plates I don't know where I belong! haha

Anonymous said...

OOOOOHHHH....Bless it! I would be sad too! If it gets too bad, go listen to my new song on'll make you feel right back in Hog Country!