Sunday, January 6, 2008

WINTER WONDERLAND (at least for some)

For some around here Wednesday was just a normal snow day. For me, however, it involved a meltdown and Matt being an hour late for work because he had to drive ME to work, because I was not raised in a region where life goes on when overnight the ground becomes covered with 4 inches of snow (although I disagree with the weatherman and swear we got 8 inches)!! After the crying subsided, I managed to realize it looked really pretty and captured a few pictures.


Debbi said...

When I moved to Utah I was soo mad when I found out that I still had to go to work on days that it snowed! I called Wade and asked him if I had to go to work and he said "why wouldn't you?!" ARgh, I've adjusted, I don't like driving in it, but I am getting better. Iowa is the worst!

The Perry Family said...

i'm jealous!! I WANT SNOW!! you have to explain to people that we don't get snow in arkansas! haha